18. jan, 2015

Nuclear power is the greenest option, say top scientists


Biologer oppfordrer miljøvernerne til å droppe sin historiske antagonisme og omfavne en bred energimiks.

I et åpent brev, publisert på bloggen «Brave New Climate», støtter mer enn 65 biologer, inkludert en tidligere sjefsforsker i den britiske regjeringen, oppfordringen om å bygge flere atomkraftverk som en sentral del av en global strategi, for å beskytte dyrelivet og miljøet.

- Nuclear power is one of the least damaging sources of energy for the environment, and the green movement must accept its expansion if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change, some of the world's leading conservation biologists have warned. Rising demand for energy will place ever greater burdens on the natural world, threatening its rich biodiversity, unless societies accept nuclear power as a key part of the "energy mix", they said. And so the environmental movement and pressure groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace should drop their opposition to the building of nuclear power stations.

The Independent Sunday: 04.01.15.