Wind Turbines - Beauty Corruption
Words & Music and Vocals & Keyboard by Becky Godlee.
Words & Music and Vocals & Keyboard by Becky Godlee:
“Put it on a motorway, where it can be forgiven, or take it off the shore, just don't destroy this land.....”
A Benington protest song in response to plans to build industrial wind turbines in Benington - an area of outstanding beauty. Filmed at the planned turbine site.
Release single protesting against wind farms!
“We spoke to all the village folk who made it very clear/They’re noisy and they’re ugly and nobody wants ‘em here.”
With their songs about combine harvesters and the joys of cider drinking, the Wurzels are known for their merry odes to rural life. Now they have turned their attentions to the latest feature of the countryside: wind turbines. The veteran West Country rockers are releasing The Mendip Windfarm Song, a protest single about the number of wind turbines blighting the landscape.
“These turbines are being put up all over the place despite the majority of villagers opposing them. They are turned down at parish and local council level, but the developers can usually get those decisions overturned under the National Planning Policy Framework. Somebody just comes along and rubber stamps it.
We’re releasing the song in the spirit of those villagers and to raise awareness of the position they find themselves in. We have to look to renewable energy but there are other ways; if they were proposing to put in a solar farm then there wouldn’t be much opposition, but a 66 metre wind turbine? They are noisy and they have a visual impact – there are 140 heritage properties in Norton St Philip, and you’re going to have this huge turbine right in view that can be seen from 30 miles away.”
Wurzels have been performing for almost half a century, recording their first album in 1966. They scored a number one hit in 1976 with Combine Harvester (Brand New Key) and reached number three that same year with I Am A Cider Drinker (Paloma Blanca). Despite the advancing years – singer Pete Budd is 74, and accordion player Tommy Banner gives his date of birth as “too long ago to remember” – they continue to perform up to 100 shows a year.
The lyrics to The Mendip Windfarm Song
Twas a warm and misty mornin’ when a note dropped through my door
It was a picture of a thing that I had never seen before.
A proposal for a turbine thing they’re puttin’ next to me
And I can’t do nought about it cause it’s some green policy.
Them windfarms, they be all across the Mendips
You’ll see ‘em cross from Wells to Stanton Drew.
Them windfarms, they be all across the Mendips
They’re sure to put the wind up me and you.
If they have to be, put ‘em out to sea
Where the wind blows bright and breezy and they’ll work efficiently.
If they have to be, put ‘em out to sea
Where the wind blows bright and breezy and they aint affecting me.
We started our own action group with Ernie Jake and Sue
And sat around the pub all night deciding what to do.
We spoke to all the village folk who made it very clear
They’re noisy and they’re ugly and nobody wants ‘em here.
Them windfarms they be all across the Mendips.
You’ll see ‘em cross from Lafferton to Frome.
Them windfarms they be all across the Mendips.
They’re sure to put the wind up me and you.
If they have to be, put ‘em out to sea
Where the wind blows bright and breezy and they’ll work efficiently.
If they have to be, put ‘em out to sea
Where the wind blows bright and breezy and they aint affecting me.
The planners are dictated to by him in Number 10,
Perhaps we’ll get a subsidy and put one next to them
I understand the argument for greener energy
But save our countryside for you and me.
If they have to be, put ‘em out to sea
Where the wind blows bright and breezy and they’ll work efficiently.
If they have to be, put ‘em out to sea
Where the wind blows bright and breezy and they aint affecting me.
If they have to be, put ‘em out to sea
Where the wind blows bright and breezy and they’ll work efficiently.
If they have to be, put ‘em out to sea
Where the wind blows bright and breezy and they aint affecting me.
The Mendip Windfarm Song - The Wurzels
Publisert 6. mai 2014. The Wurzels markerte sitt 40 års-jubileum 5. mai i år.
Turbine song with lyrics - Versjon1
Llanllwni Mountain Choir - We Need a Welcome - Not a Wind farm
Turbine song - Video - Versjon 2
Llanllwni Mountain Choir - We Need a Welcome - Not a Wind farm
Das Antiwindkraftlied
Text und Musik von Martin Caba (Rhöner Säuwäntzt)
Das Antiwindkraftlied - Tysk tekst
Das Antiwindkraftlied
Text und Musik von Martin Caba (Rhöner Säuwäntzt)
Aus unserem Wald, ja, da wird ein Industriepark gemacht;
zweihundert Meter hohe Windräder mit Blinklicht in der Nacht.
Sie reden uns ein,
dass man die Welt mit Windkraft retten kann,
dabei ziehen sich Industriewölfe bloß ein grünes Schaffell an.
Die Leute, die denken, Windkraft, das wäre
eine saubere Sache,
denen sage ich nur, das habe ich zuerst auch noch gedacht,
aber Windkraft, die zerstört Natur und bringen tut sie nichts.
Ich frage mich, wer die Umwelt vor den Umweltschützern schützt!
Selbst wenn das ganze Land mit Windrädern voll steht,
nützt das Ganze einen Scheißdreck, wenn der Wind nicht richtig weht.
Trotzdem machen die Betreiber damit noch ein Geschäft,
denn das Geld für diesen Mist, das wird uns Bürgern abgepresst!
Ein paar wenige Genossen wollen einen Bürgerwindpark bauen
und es stört sie nicht, dass sie den Bürgern ihre Welt versauen.
Die Natur, die wird zerstört und es wird immer schlimmer
einer Hand voll skrupelloser Ökosubventionsgewinnler.
Ich tue mir das Hirn zermartern, doch eins verstehe ich nicht:
warum lässt uns die Gemeinde da einfach so im Stich?
Doch dann kam mir die Antwort und es war mir alles klar:
die Chefs von der Genossenschaft sind im Gemeinderat.
Kaum ein Windpark rechnet sich trotz hoher Subventionen
und ihr wollt mir erzählen, so ein Scheißdreck tut sich lohnen!
Svenska Vindkraftsvalsen av Peter Tornborg
Text, musik, alla instrument och sång/ Operasångare Peter Tornborg. Bildcollage konstnär Björn Carlén efter Otto Hesselboms målning "Vårt land". Klippet får användas fritt.
Protesting Wynne turbines in London!
Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne came to London to help boost a by-election for Liberal candidate Ken Coran. She was greeted by protesters from neighbouring rural areas that will soon have hundreds of industrial wind turbines in their communities.
Wynne made sure she didn't have to face the protesters and their issues--- she had heavy handed police, from both her own OPP who immediately told protesters they were trespassing in a plaza parking lot, to detectives and uniformed London City police shoving and grabbing the protesters at will. This was the first time protesters had been physically pushed and grabbed by police, when they had done nothing but use their freedom of speech, on a government that will not listen. Shame on the Wynne government for resorting to these tactics!
We're not gonna take it anymore!
Protesting Wynne turbines in London!
Power To The People – John Lennon
Wind Power Horror Serenad
Serenaden ble urframført på Kongens Nytorv, København, 9. desember 2011.
Wind Power Horror Serenad består av 3 satser: 1) 180 meter 2) 75 meter 3) 250 meter. Titlene refererer til møllehøyder og størrelser.
Knud Pedersen (86 år i 2011) i samarbeid med trommeslageren Casper Henning Hansen fra bandet Moi Caprice.
Til kamp mot vindturbinstøy med musikk som våpen!
Knud Pedersens kamp mot vindturbinstøy begynte i 2009, sør i Sverige, da hans bolig plutselig var truet av et stort vindkraftprosjekt - kun 500 meter fra verket. Idéen om en konsert, hvor den faktiske vindturbinstøy skulle være hovedingrediensen, hadde romstert lenge. Så søkte han da også om prosjektstøtte fra Vestas, uten å lykkes. Likevel, 9. desember 2011 var idéen omdannet til kunstnerisk realitet med økonomisk støtte fra Statens Kunstråd. Knud Pedersen, som var med i den legendariske Churchillgruppen i Aalborg under krigen, var igjen klar for kamp. Denne gang med musikken som våpen.
Danmarks Meterologiske Institut (DM) støttet prosjektet med lån av måleutstyr, og Statens Kunstråd donerte midler til konsertens gjennomførelse.
God fornøyelse!
1. sats: "Vindmøllekoncert 180 meter"
Komponister: Knud Pedersen & Casper Henning Hansen fra bandet Moi Caprice. Urframført 9. desember 2011.
2. sats: "Vindmøllekoncert 75 meter"
Komponister: Knud Pedersen & Casper Henning Hansen fra bandet Moi Caprice. Urframført 9. desember 2011.
3. sats: "Vindmøllekoncert 250 meter"
Komponister: Knud Pedersen & Casper Henning Hansen fra bandet Moi Caprice. Urframført 9. desember 2011.