Milliardvekst for naturturisme.
Ny forskning viser at nordisk naturturisme er i kraftig vekst, og omsetter årlig for tilsammen 3 milliarder kroner i Norge og 3,6 milliarder i Sverige.
Nationen 28. april 2014.
The Mountaineering Council of Scotland har i 2014 undersøkt holdninger til vindkraft blant dem som bruker hei og fjell i Skottland. Konklusjonen er klar – og burde bekymre norsk reiseliv og deres organisasjoner:
«Generalising across the mountain-going market segment as awhole, people do not want to pursue their activity, and spend their money, in areas they regard as spoiled by industrial-scale wind farms. It is clear from the survey responses that the Scottish mountain «brand» has already experienced reputational damage amongst mountain-goers from Scotland and elsewhere in Britain. The most recent surveys amongst the general public suggest that a significant and rising proportion of people share this view even though their experience of mountain landscapes might be more passive. The more wind farms that are built and the more they intrude into what is perceived to be unspoilt mountainous and wild land, the greater will be the damage and the more sustained will be the adverse economic impact upon those areas hosting wind farms. A reputation lost on such a national scale is not easily or quickly recovered.»
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