Europa: 48 % fall i fornybarinvesteringer
Investeringene i fornybart har falt med 48 % i Europa fra tredje kvartal 2014 til tredje kvartal 2015. Resultatet skyldes blant annet at flere land har kuttet i støtteordninger for sol og vind. Totalt sett sto sol for 43,9 milliarder og vind for 20,5 milliarder dollar.
Angus McCrone, senior analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said: “The drop in European investment reflects in part a lull in offshore wind financings in Q3, after no fewer than three deals worth more than $2bn off the coasts of the UK and Germany in the second quarter. But it is also the case that support policies have become less friendly to wind and solar investors in several countries, including Italy, Germany, Denmark and, most recently, the UK.”
Bloomberg: 07.10.15.